What healthy habits have you picked up since being on quarantine?

Written and Answered by a Public Health Academy (PHA) Intern

What healthy habits have you picked up since being on quarantine?

What have you been doing? What do you do to stay productive?


What healthy habits have you picked up since being on quarantine? It’s been a struggle for me as for many, but I am trying to do all that I can to have a healthier lifestyle than I did previously. I have taken many breaks from social media and have taken the time to talk to my family more. Technology has been our only form of entertainment, but I try to take a break and just relax without my phone. I also have been getting well rested with my sleep as well as trying to eat as healthy as I possibly can. I have limited the junk food to almost none and refrained from sugary drinks. Lastly, I have been doing home workouts throughout the day to try and stay active while all the gyms are all closed. At multiple points in the day I stop to do a quick exercise and then finish it up at night with a little workout circuit that I used to do at the gym.

With everything being shut down and this being my senior year, it’s been hard to motivate myself to do anything more than I am already doing but I could use my time better than I have been. I should create a schedule for the week of what to do and when to do it so I can have better time management and not be so lazy. I should go outside a bit more and walk/jog around my neighborhood to be even more active. I also should develop a better routine than I have been because I have started to sleep through the day which isn’t good while being in school. I have picked up a few habits since being on quarantine but if I’d like this lockdown to go a bit smoother for me, there are some things I should probably start doing to keep myself more productive than I have been.

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